Beep It

beep it

A no frills interval timer that is flexible enough to work with your training program. Beep It can help you with your TABATA, HIIT or other interval training program to mmet your goals. It has destinctive sounds to let you know when your rest and work intervals have started. The screen changes colour so you can see if your are in a work, or a rest set at a glance.

Beep It, train hard, reach your goals.


  • How do I set the work time/rest time or sets?

    Press the time/ set count that you want to change. A page will will open that will allow you to set them. Press set or swipe down to go back to the main screen.

  • Will it continue counting down in the background?

    No. The count down will stop, it will start again when you bring the app back to the frount.